The Sowers on Tour - Douglas, Isle of Man 1965


Extracts from “Evangelical Outreach” circa 1965

Blessing on Broadway

You have probably just asked yourself how can there he blessing on Broadway? The answer is, of course, very simple. I refer to the Isle of Man Crusade held in the Broadway Baptist Church, Douglas, during the last week of July, 1965.

A good-sized party of Christians including many young people came to Douglas to help with this Gospel effort. We were very pleased to welcome Dr. Frederick A.Tatford who led the Bible Study sessions, and Jim Law from Scotland who very ably led the music on the Hammond organ. As well as these two friends, we had many other helpers, old and new, for the Crusade.

Right through the week we had a feeling of God's presence in the meetings. Each morning, as Dr. Tatford spoke to us, the Book of the Prophecy of Zechariah wonderfully opened up and each one was blessed by the expositions.

In the Gospel Meetings the preaching of Hedley Murphy, with the assistance of local singers combined in great power. Although the only outward sign during the week was the restoration of a backslider - young Ulster lady - or which we praise God - the Word of God went forth and the good seed was sown. We can only pray that some day some one else will reap where we have sown.

"The Sowers"

This was a group of young men from Chester led by Ernest McQuoid, who is well known in Northern Ireland. Ernest sang to the accompaniment of two guitars and drums. While this form of sacred music is revolutionary and not acceptable by all, the drawing power of this group was evident by the numbers of young people who gathered to listen at. the Sunday afternoon open-air meeting on the Promenade.


1966 17th JULY    -    31st JULY   (D.V.)

7.45 p.m. nightly HEDLEY G. MURPHY

will be assisted by Mixed  Choir from  Motherwell

JIM LAW on Hammond Organ


I would invite you to join us for these two weeks in Portstewart, Co. Derry, and share in the Christian Fellowship and Gospel witness. Three house parties have already been booked for the period of the Crusade, and if you have any difficulty in obtaining accommodation just write to the I.G.H. Sales Centre, 12 North Street Arcade. Christian parties will be gathering from Scotland and north of England, and if you would wish to be included in one of these house parties, you should contact us at once. A short morning session will be held daily in the Town Hall, for prayer and Bible teaching. Afterwards free for sight-seeing, swimming and recreation, with the Gospel Rally each night.

Late night extra meetings will be held in the Town Mall, and these will be taken by the ''Sowers" group from Chester, England, under the leadership of Ernest McQuoid, these will be during the second week of the Crusade. Hope to see you at Portstewart, and please pray for the blessing of the Lord on this effort.  — HEDLEY G. MURPHY.